Get Involved in the The PTO

Ready to Get Involved at PPE? Start Here.

1. Join the PTO:
Good news – you are already a member! All parents, caregivers, and teachers are already members and there are no membership dues.

2. Help the PTO – Volunteer TODAY:
We need your help to make next year the best year yet at Percy Priest! Dedicated and engaged parents and caregivers are a key ingredient to making our school the great school that it is. There are big and small volunteer opportunities throughout the year. Please check out our volunteer form and let us know what things interest you. We’ll be in touch with more information.

3. Attend the Meetings:
PTO meetings provide insight into decision making and current and future happenings. There is also a theme and added bonus content at each meeting! General PTO meetings are open to everyone and are planned for these dates (subject to change):

  • September 17
  • January 21
  • May 20

4. Join the FUN!
The PTO plans a busy calendar of fundraisers as well as community building events throughout the year. We want you there! Check out and subscribe to our calendar so you don’t miss out on any of the fun!

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