Used Book Sale
A great way to grab some new books right before our incredible Read-A-Thon!
A great way to grab some new books right before our incredible Read-A-Thon!
Stay tuned for specific details from room parents or teachers! Grade-level class times are as follows: K: 2:00-2:45 1: 1:30-2:30 2: 1:45-2:30 3: 1:15-2:00 4: 12:15-1:30 5: 1-2
No School (Professional Dev Day)
PPE friends and family, take the night off from cooking and feed the family while supporting the school! Use our unique code: PPES when ordering from Papa John’s and the PTO will...
Wear your PJs for some Read-A-Thon spirit!
Come stock up for Read-A-Thon and support the school!
PPE Skate Night at Brentwood Skate Center! Support the school while having a fun night out at the Skate Center!