It’s the most wonderful time of the year…SUMMER! And time for the PPE 100 Book Challenge! And this year brings an added twist; 100 BOOKS + 100 HOURS OUTSIDE. Challenge cards were sent home last Friday. Record the titles of the books you read (for chapter books: 50 pages = 1 book) in the numbered boxes and color a leaf for each hour spent outside this summer. Miss Stuart’s summer reading book lists for can be found here. There’s a list of titles for the entire family and individual lists for rising 1st graders-rising 5th graders.
Don’t forget! Students can check out books and play-aways from the Nashville Public Library using their student ID number (beginning with 190) as the card number and the 4 digits of their birth month and date as the pin ( ex. May 21 = 0521). Audiobooks (find page count on Amazon) and family read alouds are highly encouraged! The Nashville Public Library’s Libby app has thousands of audiobooks available for checkout. Highly recommended!
Each student who reads 100 books and spends 100 hours outside will be recognized and earn a special reward in August. Extra challenge sheets will be on the PPE front porch during the summer.
Suggested Weekly Book Breakdown (rising 3rd-5th grade):
1 chapter book (ex. a 200 page book counts as 4 books)
2 nonfiction books (can be nonfiction picture books)
4 picture books (you’re NEVER too old for picture books)
Suggested Weekly Book Breakdown (rising K-2nd grade):
8 picture books/early readers/early chapter books
1 family read aloud
1 audiobook
HAPPY READING and enjoy every minute spent in the GREAT OUTDOORS!