
1st Grade Newsletter: 01/31/25

Dates to Remember…

  • January 31: Navigator Day
  • February 10-14: Used Book Sale
  • February 14: Valentine’s Day Class Parties 1:30-2:30pm/Parents are welcome to attend.
  • February 17: No School for Students/PD Day for Teachers
  • February 18: Read-A-Thon Begins
  • February 25: Family Skate Night
  • February 27: Percy’s Reading Party

What We Are Learning:

Social Studies: Studies Weekly #18 “And the Next Class President Is…….”

Spelling words: sounded lifted pointed parked waved grinned tripped marched snorted cooked

Tricky words: have February

Phonics: Blending, segmenting, tricky words, and decodable texts

Math: Place Value

Science: Energy From the Sun

Skills: Using Adjectives: Review & Practice; End-of-Unit Assessment

Focusing Question: How do characters respond to the powerful force of the wind?

Focusing Question: What are feelings?


  • Feelings, Aliki
  • Gilberto and the Wind
  • Marie Hall Ets
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