
2nd Grade Newsletter: 01/31/25

Ask your 2nd Grader:

  • What does the prefix in- mean? What does the word injustice mean?
  • Who faced an injustice in the two Wit and Wisdom books you’ve read this week?
  • What is an adjective? Can you give an example?
  • What do you know about measuring?
  • How do timelines help us learn about and understand history? 


What 2nd Graders Are Learning Next Week:

 ELA (English Language Arts):

  • Wit and Wisdom Module 3: Civil Rights Heroes
    • Essential Question: How can people respond to injustice?
    • Learning Goals: 
      • Make connections among a series of historical events in the text.
      • Determine the essential meaning of an informational text by looking closely at historical photographs.
      • Examine what a text and video have to say about the same topic: the injustices people faced before the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
      • Compare important points presented by two texts on the same topic.
      • Describe how repeated language conveys meaning in a song.
      • Answer the Focusing Question Task using information from two sources.
      • Use multiple sources when writing an informative paragraph.
      • Explain the purpose of adverbs and identify what they modify.
      • Describe how repeated words connect to meaning in a song.
      • Distinguish shades of meaning among the related verbs ask, tell, command, deman, request, order, force. 
      • Demonstrate an understanding of word relationships by categorizing words related to integration and segregation.
      • Use the known root word equal to determine the meaning of the words equality and equally.


  • Tennessee Foundational Skills:
    • Alphabetize
    • Review the /u/ (short u) sound and it’s spellings – ‘u’ as in duck, ‘o’ as in son, ‘ou’ as in touch, ‘o_e’ as in come
    • Read words with different spellings for the schwa sound – ‘a’ as in about, ‘e’ as in debate
    • Subject and predicate and compound subject and predicate
    • Review parts of speech (nouns, verbs, adjectives)
    • Review contractions
    • Ask and answer questions about key details in the student reader
    • Spelling words: knight, might, high, right, frightened, light, bright, crying, pry, why, nearby, trying, sky, drying, kingdom



  • Measuring Length


Social Studies/Science (We will rotate between science and social studies every two weeks.):

  • Forces and Interactions


Dates to Remember:

  • February 4th: Progress Reports Issued
  • February 7th: 2nd Grade Field Trip to the National Museum of African American Music
  • February 14th: Valentine Parties
  • February 17th: No School 



We are heading to the National Museum of African American Music on Friday, February 7th. This field trip is a great compliment to our upcoming civil rights unit. The cost of the field trip is $5. Payment can be made at Please return permission slips and complete payment as soon as possible. Additionally, students should wear their navigator/field trip tshirt with SSA bottom on the day of the field trip and bring a lunch from home unless a cafeteria lunch was requested on the permission slip. 


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