PTO Newsletter 6/24
School Events

1st Day School Supplies – June 30 Deadline
Percy Priest is partnering again this year with 1st Day School Supplies to make purchasing back-to-school supplies easy and affordable, while benefiting the PTO. You’ll be able to order exactly what your child needs for the fall by visiting our dedicated link here. Kits will be delivered directly to the school in August so this is truly hassle-free!
Back to School – Save the Dates!
Save the date for our many Back to School events! More details will follow in the weeks to come. You can also find our PTO calendar for the school year here. Please note that dates are subject to change.
- August 3 – Teachers will send email greetings to their classrooms
- August 5 – Sneak-a-Peek and Popsicle Party*
– New Families Sneak-a-Peek @ 8:15
– All School Sneak-a-Peek and Popsicle Party @ 9:00
*Families are invited to come meet their teacher and bring school supplies to the classrooms - August 8 – First Day of School (Half Day for Kindergarteners only)
- August 9 – Half Day for Kindergarteners only
- August 18 – Open House & Invest Kickoff
– Kindergarten & 1st Grade: 5:30
– 2nd, 3rd and 4th Grades: 6:30 - September 9 – Fall Picnic
- September 12 – Tiger Cup Golf Tournament at Old Natchez
- October 6 – Songwriters Night
Summer Reading Lists from Miss Stuart
Dr. Young and Miss Stuart are challenging all Percy Priest Tigers to read 100 books this summer! Are you up for the challenge? Complete the challenge and receive a prize in August!
To help your kids achieve their goal, Miss Stuart has created summer reading lists for each grade. Books are available from the Nashville Public Library and Parnassus. Email Miss Stuart ( with any questions and check out the Library Insta page throughout the summer (@percypriestlibrary). Happy reading!
We need your help to make next year the best year yet at Percy Priest! Dedicated and engaged parents are a key ingredient to making our school the great school that it is. There are big and small volunteer opportunities throughout the year. Please check out our volunteer form and let us know what things interest you. We’ll be in touch with more information. If you have questions of any kind, please contact us at Thank you!
Community Events
Add PPE happenings to your calendar automatically!
You can subscribe to our PTO calendar and have all of our events show up on your calendar, so you never lose track of important dates! Following the links below will prompt you to subscribe to the calendar via your preferred calendar app. Any time the PTO updates an event through the website, it will update on the calendar of all subscribers (how often your calendar pulls updated info will be based on your individual personal settings – every 5 minutes, 1 hour, 1 week, etc).
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