
2nd Grade News: 1/19

Ask your 2nd Grader:

  • What kind of text is Journey of a Pioneer? How is Journey of a Pioneer both a story and an informational text?
  • What “to be” verbs did you learn this week?
  • How do you write 907 in expanded form? In word form?
  • What is the value of the 6 in 864?
  • What is culture?

What 2nd Graders Are Learning Next Week:

ELA (English Language Arts):
Wit and Wisdom Module 2: The American West

Essential Question: What was life like in the West for early Americans?

Learning Goals:

  • Use sentence-level context to determine the meaning of the words distant, cease, and thrust.
  • Make real-life connections to the word sacrifice and use a beginner dictionary to confirm its meaning.
  • Use a known root word (value, possess, forgive) as a clue to the meaning of an unknown word with the same root (valued, possession, forgiveness).
  • Determine criteria for an introduction in an informative paragraph.
  • Examine the function of introductory statements in informative paragraphs.
  • Experiment with creating introductory statements for informative paragraphs.
  • Orally recount a story.
  • Explore story events and character responses.

Tennessee Foundational Skills:

  • /ee/ sound – introduce new spelling ‘y’ (as in funny)
  • /ee/ sound – introduce new spelling ‘y’ (as in key)
  • Change y to i and add -es
  • Present and past tense of to be


  • Numbers to 1,000
  • Compare and order numbers within 1,000

Forces and Interactions

Social Studies:

  • Cultures In Our Backyard
  • How do cultures in the United States affect and enrich my daily life?

Dates to Remember:

  • Navigator Day – Tuesday, January 31st
  • Progress Reports – Tuesday, February 7th
  • Valentine Party – Tuesday, February 14th
  • Field Trip to Travellers Rest – Friday, February 17th
  • No School – Monday, February 20th
  • Field Trip to TPAC – Friday, February 24th


Cafeteria Snacks:
The cafeteria will be selling snacks on Wednesdays to 2nd graders. Students need to know their 5-to-6-digit lunch pin number in order to purchase items. Parents can put money onto to add to a child’s account with a debit or credit card. Please email the cafeteria manager at if you have any further questions.

Field Trips:

We have two field trips coming up in February. We will be going to Travellers Rest on February 17th and TPAC on February 24th.

Please be on the lookout for information regarding chaperoning our field trips as well as a permission slip coming home.
Payment is needed for these two field trips ASAP. See the info below on how to pay:

Field Trip Payment:

1. Go to and click “Register”.
2. Once registered, you will be able to add your students (If you have other children at PPE, go ahead and add them during this step for future payments.)
In order to add a student, the first question is: “Type in the School Board name”: select Metro Nashville Public Schools from the list.
3. Fill in the rest of the boxes with your children’s information.
4. Once your children have been added, you will see “Items” listed across the top. When you click, you should see your children’s names and what field trips are available for payment.
5. Choose your 2nd grade child and make the payment at your earliest convenience.
6. Please email if you have any problems!


With the start of a new semester, students were given updated passwords for their computer and Clever accounts. QR codes for Clever logins were sent home in the Friday Folders last week. There are instructions on the paper for accessing the site. Please keep track of these, or take a picture, as you might need them for at-home use.

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