
2nd Grade News: 10/20

Ask your 2nd Grader:

  • What is a cycle? How does the Sky Tree text show the cycle of seasons?
  • Why is revision important?
  • When using a number line to add, which direction do you move on the number line? Why?
  • When using a number line to subtract, which direction do you move on the number line? Why?
  • On what continent do we live? What other countries are in North America?
  • What is a border? What countries share a border with the United States? What borders the United States on the east and west?

What 2nd Graders Are Learning Next Week:

ELA (English Language Arts):

  • Wit and Wisdom Module 1: A Season of Change
    • Essential Question: How does change impact people and nature?
    • Learning Goals:
      • Synthesize evidence from two texts in an informative paragraph about how changes in fall impact plants and animals.
      • Revise and publish an informative paragraph about how changes in fall impact plants or animals.
      • Describe knowledge and skills gained from studying module texts.
      • Demonstrate understanding of module vocabulary by analyzing correct and incorrect use in context.
  • Tennessee Foundational Skills:
    • /oe/ (long o) sound spelled o_e, o, oe, oa
    • Decode two-syllable words with tricky o spelling
    • Noun review
    • Ask and answer questions about stories in the student reader.


  • Compare Numbers to 1,000

Social Studies/Science (We will rotate between science and social studies every two weeks.):

  • Maps and Globes
    • Physical and Political Maps

Important Information:

  • Second Grade Harvest Parties will be on October 31st from 1:45-2:40. We would love to have parents join us for the Harvest Party. Unfortunately, we do not have the space to accommodate younger siblings, so this is a parents only event.


Dates to Remember:

  • Report Cards Issued: October 24th
  • Parent Teacher Conferences: October 27th
  • Harvest Party: October 31st
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